Our Blog
Our Blog
What's new on the Farm!
What's new on the Farm!
What's to expect this week
What's to expect this week
February 28, 2020
Hi everyone,
This week's box will include lettuce, kale, collard greens, pea shoots, chinese cabbage, broccoli, carrots, green onions and swiss chard.

November 20, 2019
So earlier this year we purchase some Khaki Campbell ducklings to try and add duck eggs to our product list. They are supposedly one of the top producing duck breeds. Of the 10 ducklings we got, only 3 turned out to be females. Good news: Those 3 are producing some very tasty eggs and I really think ducks will work out in the long run. Bad news: 3 ducks do not lay that many eggs!!!
We will be picking up some more ducklings soon and hopefully in the next 6 to 8 months, we will have a steady supply of eggs available.

Our First Blog
Our First Blog
November 1, 2019
Hi everyone,
This is James at Tomkins Farms. This is the first entry in what I hope will be a very helpful and informative blog about our CSA. I will admit to being an amateur with regards to blogs and most things internet related, so bare with me. We will be using this blog to try and keep our members and potential members as up-to-date as possible.